Hey! I’m Parisa Parvizi!

I’m a multidisciplinary developer & designer based out of the Iran. I primarily create digital things for the web.

My website is a personal reflection of who I am, the people I love, the things I’m passionate about, and what I do—I realize one’s online representation is often skewed, fabricated, and one-sided, but I put forth my best effort to portray myself as who I really am away from the screen.


Find me

I share shapshots of my life seen through my iPhone and my nikon on Instagram and my best photo on 500px, give and contribute to the open-source community on Github, share my knowledge and thoughts on my blog


This site is created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and wordpress; carefully hand-coded in Dreamweaver and PhpStorm ; hosted on a Mihan Web Host;

The type is set in beautiful Roboto served by Google Fonts and Freight Text Pro by Typekit.
The photographs were taken with a Nikon D5500.

This site is designed to be future-friendly, so please forgive me if it doesn’t play or work well on older browsers. As time goes on, I may roll out patches to improve support but no guarantees. It’s also a playground for me so I’m constantly trying new stuff, making changes, and probably breaking things.